ESPON jobs and live launch

The new ESPON 2020 programme is offering three permanent jobs to join the team in their Luxembourg office. The posts are for a Project Expert with responsibility for Data, IT and the ESPON Toolbox; another Project Expert for Policy and Projects, and finally a Lawyer with expertise in European and Luxembourg law. The closing date is 16 June. For details email

The launch of the new programme in Jurmala will be webcast. It starts at 07.30 on Wednesday morning UK time, and runs through to 16.00. Then on June 4 the schedule is 07.00-11.00 British Summer Time. You can follow it live at Key sessions are on the policy arena (09.00 Wednesday) and the working of the new programme including contracting and the National Contact Points (7.00 Thursday).

ESPON is now constituted as a European Grouping on Territorial Coperation under European law. It is a 50M Euro programme of applied research on territorial development and cohesion.  The five specific objectives decided for the period 2015-2020 are:

1. enhanced the production of territorial evidence through applied research and analyses,
2. upgraded knowledge transfer and use of analytical user support,
3. improved territorial observation and tools for territorial analyses,
4. wider outreach and uptake of territorial evidence, and
5. leaner, and more effective and efficient implementation provisions and more proficient programme assistance

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