New ESPON programme to be launched in Latvia in June

The new ESPON programme will be launched at an event on 3 and 4 June 2015 in the Latvian sea-side town of Jurmala, under the Latvian presidency of the EU. ESPON 2020 will continue the consolidation of a European Territorial Observatory Network and grow the provision and policy use of pan-European, comparable, systematic and reliable territorial evidence. The five specific objectives decided for the period 2015-2020 are:

1. enhanced the production of territorial evidence through applied research and analyses,
2. upgraded knowledge transfer and use of analytical user support,
3. improved territorial observation and tools for territorial analyses,
4. wider outreach and uptake of territorial evidence, and
5. leaner, and more effective and efficient implementation provisions and more proficient programme assistance.

Participation in the event is free and open to all. check for more information. Tendering of a first round of research projects is likely to begin in the late summer.

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