Cockburn Association seeks new Director

The Cockburn Association, Edinburgh’s Civic Trust,  is seeking a new Director.

The Cockburn Association is Edinburgh’s leading civic organisation. Formed in 1874, it has contested numerous bizarre „improvements“ to the city, such as a car park in East Princes Street Gardens, multi-storey car parks in Queen Street Gardens, and an Inner Ring Road built on stilts through The Meadows. It is currently actively opposing  the building of a „luxury hotel“ that would be crammed around the outstanding Greek Revival Royal High School at the heart of the city’s World Heritage Site. The Cockburn is a charity registered in Scotland.

The Association is now seeking a new Director, and you can see the details and how to apply here. We are looking for soomebody to work with the volunteer Trustees and a small staff to deliver the Strategy of the Association. I am the Chair of the Cockburn Association. We recently produced a Civic Agenda setting out principles that we believe should inform the development of Edinburgh as a city whose special qualities are its built environment and landscape.  

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