My recent newspaper articles

Here are links to some of my articles that have been published in The Scotsman recently (July 2019)

I have had a number of columns published in The Scotsman, which is an Edinburgh-based national newspaper in Scotland. Though the articles are tagetted at that particular readership, the underlying issues are relevant in many other places, I believe. They raise questions about the purpose of planning and who sets the agenda.

„Edinburgh is now a city effectively run by tourist industry“ appeared on 30 July 2019. It explains the extent to which growth in tourism is, and is likely to continue to be, an international phenomenon. However, Edinburgh, like some other historic cities, has been identified as facing „overtourism“. The article exposes how the city council has agreed to help to implement a tourism growth strategy written by the tourist industry and Scottish Government agencies. This raises fundamental questions about local democracy. You can access the article here.  

I have commented on the Scottish Planning Bill (now an Act) in a blog which you can read here. On 2 July I had an article in The Scotsman making similar points. You can read it here. It points to the extent to which vestd interests fromthe development industry, along with Scottish Government attempts to reduce the investment of resources into planning have shaped the legislation. At an earlier stage of theprogress f theBill I also commented, see here.

Housing was the theme of an article published on 28 May, which you can read here. It is linked to a longer paper that is part of the Cockburn Association’s Our Unique City initiative. Click here to see that. This followed an article on 21 May announcing Our Unique City – to see that article click here.

The lack of joined up planning for the valley at the centre of Edinburgh was the theme of my 7 May article, which you can see here.

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