Kategorie: Flashback to Cliff

  • Unfilled posts and poorly targeted employment initiatives

    Unfilled posts and poorly targeted employment initiatives

    My column in Planning in 1987, has a contemporary feel in 2020 as issues of mass unemployment and Council cuts come to the fore once again. A Director of Planning post left unfilled to save money. Doing away with planning. Why I gave up on RTPI Council. The interplay of place and class in labour markets. This…

  • Amsterdam and AESOP 1987 (Part 2)

    Amsterdam and AESOP 1987 (Part 2)

    Local history and a trip to a Planning Committee meeting. The second part of my Diary as published in Planning on 11 December 1987. To read the first part of this article, please click here. The article is reproduced by kind permission of the editor of Planning. To seem more of my old columns in Planning, please go to the…

  • Amsterdam, Formation of AESOP and a trip to a Planning Committee

    Amsterdam, Formation of AESOP and a trip to a Planning Committee

    My „Diary“ article in 1987 records the formation of the Association of European Schools of Planning, AND of the Scottish Torquay United Supporters Club (which has not proved as long-lasting). The article was first published in Planning on 11 December 1987 and is reproduced with the kind permission of the editor. It has two parts, so to…

  • Lord of the (Pineapple) Rings

    Lord of the (Pineapple) Rings

    In a week when my term of office as President of the Royal Town Planning Institute came to a close, I also faced being made redundant. This largely inconsequential article that I wrote in 1997 is redeemed by the photo of me wearing my Eric Cantona T-shirt while meeting a pirate. It also provides some…

  • Berlin June 1989 (Part 2)

    Berlin June 1989 (Part 2)

    The second and final part of my Diary in Planning from June 1989. You can read the first part by clicking here. This was first published in Planning on 23 June 1989. It is reproduced here by kind permission of the Editor. Check out other reprints from my columns in Planning in the ‚Flashbacks‘ pages of my website. 

  • Berlin, June 1989

    Berlin, June 1989

    A chance to read my monthly Diary in Planning from June 1989, which starts in Berlin just months before the Berlin Wall came down. It also looks at the Adam Smith Institute’s ideas for privatising streets – an idea that might be revived post-Covid19? Of course there have been many gated communities developed in the meantime.  Click here to read…

  • Life as a Planner in 1973

    Back in 2006 I wrote an article in Planning, which recalled my working environment in 1973. Here it is. In 2006 Life on Mars was showing on TV, re-imagining the world of policing in the sexist 1970s where bad fashion choices were all the rage. My recreation of that early 1970s period in planning history, whenI was first…

  • Re-inventing Planning – World Urban Forum 2006

    The 2006 World Urban Forum was a significant step on the road to creating a New Urban Agenda. Here is my first hand account from July 2006 of how we went about re-inventing planning.  This article was written during the 2006 FIFA World Cup, and is reproduced here by kind permission of the editor of…

  • A high rise future?

    A high rise future?

    My article in January 2000 looked back and gazed into the future. How well did I do in anticipating change in British cities, planning and higher education? This article first appeared in Planning 14 January 2000. It is reproduced by kind permission of the editor.

  • The Stern report 2006: an economic case for action on climate change

    The Stern report 2006: an economic case for action on climate change

    The Stern Report in 2006 seemed to signal a shift in attitudes to climate change. The article imagines a discussion between a Treasury mandarin and a businessman. Would this case convince Donald Trump or big business today?  This article was first published in Planning on 1 December 2006, and is reproduced by kind permission of…