Kategorie: Flashback to Cliff

  • South Africa 1995

    In 1995 I was invited to speak to a landmark conference in South Africa for the transition of planning after apartheid. I reported  on my visit in my monthly magazine column. This was first published in Planning Week, 14 December 1995.

  • Inauguration speech as RTPI President 1996

    Twenty years ago I became RTPI President. Here is the text of the speech I gave to RTPI Council on my inauguration. It ends by reaffirming the manifesto published in 1975 by the Radical Institute Group, of which I was one of the founders. After thanking the RTPI, my colleagues and employer and my family…

  • Convenor, RTPI Scottish Branch, 1983

    I was elected Convenor of the Scottish Branch of the RTPI for 1983. The picture shows how the Branch’s magazine reported it. Between 1975 and 1987 the Radical Institute Group (RIG) produced a manifesto backed by a slate of candidates in RTPI elections and also contested some Branch elections. In standing against the sitting vice-convenor…

  • A public services watershed

    This first appeared in Planning on 16 January 2004 and is reproduced by kind permission of Planning Resource.

  • Planning and politics

    This first appeared in Planning on 29 November 2002 and is reproduced by kind permission of Haymarket Publications.

  • A week in Czechoslovakia July 1989

    This piece was first published in Planning 21 July 1989 and is reproduced by kind permission of Haymarket Publications. Because it ran over 2 pages it has to be reproduced here as two separate items The „Diary“ tells of a week spent in meetings with planners in what was then Czechoslovakia. It was written just…

  • Do you want fries with that?

    This first appeared in Planning on 31 May 2002 and is reproduced by kind permission of Planning Resource.