Kategorie: Guest Blog

  • NOlympics or GlOlympics

    Klaus Kunzmann proposes a novel approach to staging the Olympic Games after Hamburg and Boston say „No“. Lastweek, in a referendum, the citizens of Hamburg voted against hosting the Olympics in 2024. To the surprise of the media and a very respected and supportive social democrat city mayor, the citizens have said “No” to applying for…

  • Smart China

    In his Guest Blog, Klaus Kunzmann reports from China of the pressures to make „smart cities“. Thrilled by the promises of the big data corporations in Silicon America and the success of Alibaba, China’s e-shopping giant, Chinese cities are eager to become smart. Listening to advice from clever international and local business consultants they accept,…

  • The Digital Archipelago: The Saviour of the Greek Economy

    This Guest Blog by Emeritus Professor Klaus Kunzmann proposes a radical approach to Greece’s economic difficulties By Klaus Kunzmann Enough gloom and doom When reading all the gloomy stories about Greece, I have learnt much about banks and financial institutions, about the imperatives of debt reductions, about the growing conflict between the German culture of order…

  • Regional design: A cul-de-sac or a pathway into a new policy arena?

    This first Guest Blog is contributed by Emeritus Professor Klaus Kunzmann from the Technical University of Dortmund. He is an Honourary Member of the RTPI and internationally renowned for his contributions to planning education, research and practice. His blog probes the idea of „regional design“. In times of market-led neo-liberal policies regional planning has lost…