Kategorie: New Items

  • Governance in metropolitan regions

    A new publication that can be downloaded for free sets guidelines for how to plan and manage metropolitan development. Unpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable Development  argues that new governance structures are needed in metropolitan areas. It looks at at how and why metropolitan regions work – or not – and how effective metropolitan governance can be…

  • Sri Lanka plans „Megapolis“ to boost growth

    The Sri Lankan government recently created a new ministerial post – Minister of Megapolis and Western Province Development. The brief is to oversee the creation of a huge urban area roughly 95 kms long with the capital Colombo at its heart. The $300billion project will involve new development and urban renewal on a scale never…

  • Local economic development lessons from US

    Working together to achieve a common vision for change is a key requirement for urban economic regeneration, argues a new report based on research in 4 US cities. The report is published by the UK-based Centre for Local Economic Strategies. The research looked at Cleveland, Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Providence, all cities that have faced major economic challenges…

  • Does your city want to host a major European planning conference?

    The European Council of Spatial Planners is inviting nominations from cities interested in hosting the 12th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planning in 2017. this year’s event will be held in Dublin in October. Host cities Candidacies must provide: ECTP-CEU and its members offer support to the organisation with: The deadline is 7 October.…

  • African politicians don’t grasp importance of cities

    Despite the pace of urbanization and the economic importance of cities, many leading politicians in Africa are still focused on rural areas. Reuben Abraham, the head of a leading Indian think tank on urban issues, says that leaders of some developing countries are simply failing to undersand the importance of urbanization. Speaking  in Jakarta at a New…

  • Ghana’s Urban Forum to focus on spatial planning

    Ghana’s fifth National Urban Forum was convened on 25 August to reflect on the theme “Building Resilient Cities: Deepening Spatial Planning and Land Value Capture for Development in Ghana.” Previous meetings of the Forum have contributed to the Ghana Urban Policy and its Action Plan to improve city conditions.  The Ghana Urban Agenda has been accepted at…

  • Urbanism, exclusion and change in South Asia

    The changes taking place in South Asian cities are th focus of a major conference in Lahore next year, for which proposals for paper are now invited. The organisers make the point that much urban research has focused on Europe and North America, while the dramatic urbanisation of South Asia has received much less attention.…

  • EU and US Congress members plead Israel to stop demolition

    The Foreign Ministers of the 28 European Union countries have called on Israel “to halt plans for forced transfer of population and demolition of Palestinian housing and infrastructure” in the village of Susiya in the West Bank. Eleven members of the US Congress have also written to Secretary of State John Kerry about the plight…

  • EU briefing on their Urban Agenda

    The European Parliament has issed a useful briefing note explaining the background to moves to deveop an Urban Agenda for the EU, and also sketching out some of the political tensions that the move is generating. Some 70% of EU citizens live in urban areas. In addition, most EU policies have some impact, direct or…

  • Importance of public spaces highlighted in run-up to Habitat III

    Public spaces are integral to healthy and prosperous cities. This was the theme of  a major conference last week in the run-up to next year’s Habitat III global summit. Place-making needs to be seen as contributing to the 2015-2030 Sustainable Development Goals.  The Future of Places conference in Stockholm was the third and last in a series that has…