Kategorie: New Items

  • 18 RTPI Past Presidents sign letter on planning in Palestine

    18 Past Presidents of the RTPI have signed a letter highlighting the findings of a recent report on planning in Area C of the West Bank. The letter says that the report „explains how planning is being used to block development and impede much needed infrastructure investment in Palestinian villages, while facilitating the construction of…

  • A Sense of Place – new futures for Public Markets

    Ideas for reviving flagging public markets as places to shop, eat and meet were presented by experts at an international conference in Barcelona this week. With many public markets struggling to adapt to changing patterns of shopping the need for design and innovation has never been stronger, and the answer lies in creating a sense…

  • India launches Smart Cities competition

    India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi this week launched his government’s response to the urbanisation challenges it faces. The Smart Cities initiative was announced alongside a „Housing for All by 2022“ programme. The aim is to create new Smart Cities while also regenerating old urban areas and addressing sustainability issues. The 100 Smart Cities will be…

  • Healthy cities

    America’s obesity crisis is creating a new concern to make healthy cities, though the rhetoric outstrips the plans. A recent blog on a health website says that more than half of U.S. adults don’t meet the recommended daily requirements for aerobic exercise or physical activity. It makes the case for better planning and design to…

  • Research shows link between green environments and physical activity

    A wide-ranging review of the research literature reveals that living in an environment with plentful greenery seems to be associated with a number of indicators of good health. The study reveals what the authors say is „fairly strong evidence“  that there is a positive association between greenness and physical activity. As well as having phyical…

  • Rural links vital for sustainable cities

    The increasing global emphasis on the cities must not obscure the importance of rural areas and their links to cities. This is the argument in a valuable thoughtpiece by Christine Platt, Past President of the Commonwealth Association of Planners in reflecting on the preparations for the Habitat III summit in Quito in October 2016.   Reflecting…

  • New Delhi – a public health disaster

    Almost half of the children in New Delhi are suffering irreversible lung damage because of the toxic levels of air pollution in the city. A number of factors make children particularly vulnerable to air pollution. They have lower immunity than adults and their respirtory tracts are easier for pollutnants to penetrate. Also particulate matter is concentrated…

  • ESPON jobs and live launch

    The new ESPON 2020 programme is offering three permanent jobs to join the team in their Luxembourg office. The posts are for a Project Expert with responsibility for Data, IT and the ESPON Toolbox; another Project Expert for Policy and Projects, and finally a Lawyer with expertise in European and Luxembourg law. The closing date…

  • EU putting emphasis on towns

    The Latvian Presidency of the EU has been pushing the case that towns have an important role to play in territorial cohesion. Key questions are what are the development ppotentials of towns and how can these best be realised? To this end, the ESPON programme has produced a commentary highlighting the main types of urban areas…

  • The costs of displacements and demolitions

    In 2009-13 on average 856 persons were displaced from their homes each year in the occupied West Bank of Palestine, and 499 Palestinian-owned structures were demolished in each year by the Israeli authorities. Now research funded by the UK’s Department for International Development has put a price on the economic damage this does. A report…