Kategorie: Pre-2020

  • Job opportunity – Commonwealth Projects Coordinator

    Job opportunity – Commonwealth Projects Coordinator

    Exciting job opportunity – closing date 3 November 2019. Are you interested in a 12 month job, working on sustainable cities and human settlements, with opportunities for interenational travel? 2020 is going to be an important year. In February the 10th World Urban Forum will be convened by UN-Habitat in Abu Dhabi. There will also…

  • Capacity crisis is hitting urban development in Pakistan

    Pakistan is suffering from chronic underinvestment in urban planning. The leading newspaper in the Punjab has run a story about unfilled professional planning posts, noting some of the negative consequences. The article in Dawn, states that „Many professionals working in the public and private sectors have either left or are planning to proceed abroad.“ It quotes…

  • My recent newspaper articles

    My recent newspaper articles

    Here are links to some of my articles that have been published in The Scotsman recently (July 2019) I have had a number of columns published in The Scotsman, which is an Edinburgh-based national newspaper in Scotland. Though the articles are tagetted at that particular readership, the underlying issues are relevant in many other places, I believe.…

  • Free on-line learning on cities and planning

    Free on-line learning on cities and planning

    The Erasmus University in Rotterdam provides a series of on-line trianing materials on urban development and planning, with a particular focus on rapidly urbanising countries. How to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change in African cities?  How to finance urban infrastructure? What is Local Economic Development and how can it be delivered?…

  • How setting national climate budgets obscure the need to really tackle the climate emergency

    Why is the French Government failing to meet its own goals on limiting CO2 emissions? A blog by Pierre Calame provides insights into why France is not meeting its targets on energy and the climate emergency. The messages apply to many other countries too. Calame points out that successive French governments have set national “carbon budgets” every…

  • Would you buy a Frank Lloyd Wright house to demolish it?

    The Booth Cottage, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1913, which is in Glencoe, Illinois, could become the third of his buildings to be demolished since 2004. The 882 square foot cottage may be tiny, but it sits on a large lot in an affluent Chicago suburb, which I passed through earlier this month. It’s…

  • How businesses using Airbnb are reducing affordable housing in Montreal

    „I studied the laws surrounding Airbnb all over the world. None are perfect. “ David Wachsmuth. Laws are almost irrelevant if you do not have access to Airbnb data to implement them “ says David Wachsmuth. Associate Professor in Urban Planning, McGill University. Despite legislation seeking to limit and control online short-term rentals, Montreal has five…

  • Young Commonwealth planners win prizes

    The Commonwealth Association of Planners has announced the winners of its Young Planners essay competition. The topics addressed by the winners were how to plan for better care of an aging population, and the nature of place-making. The Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) have announced that Joanna Patton (Canadian Institute of Planners) and Wessel Strydom (South…

  • Athens – report from the frontline

    The impacts of austerity in Greece have dropped out of the headlines, but not gone away. In a vivid account of conditions in his adopted city, Belgian planner Frank d’Hondt reviews the fate of Greeks forced to suffer to repay debts to big banks. Greek unemployment remains at over 20%, while for youths it is…

  • Is Airbnb a threat to historic cities and towns?

    A new report on the impact of Airbnb and similar platforms calls for tighter regulation. In parts of Edinburgh, the proliferation of Airbnb and its imitators is having a detrimental  impact on local amenity and community cohesion, says a new report by Edinburgh’s Civic Trust, the Cockburn Association. While recognising that short-term self-catering accommodation can…